
What would a typical day be like for my child at BYCS?

BYCS offers tours on most Thursdays when school is in session at 10:00 AM. for you to get a good picture of what is typical. We will also be happy to provide you with a schedule that is used in our classroom for your child’s age.

Is your program licensed?

Our weekday 3-day and 4-day program is licensed. Our Parents Day Out program, which is our 2-day program, is not required to be licensed because it only meets for a total of 11 hours per week. However, we follow the same guidelines for quality and safety in our 2-day program that we have for our 3-day, 4-day classes. The teachers in both programs are well-qualified and take 12 to 30 hours of continuing education every year.

What does it mean that my child can be put on a waiting list?

If our classes fill up during registration, we will put your child on our waiting list based on when the registration form was received.

I have called during the day to get information on your program and I get a recorded message. How can I get this information?

We are sorry we cannot always be reached immediately in our office as we are very committed during the day to assisting our teachers and children. If it is an emergency, please leave a message and your call will be returned ASAP. If you are simply wanting information about our weekday program, send us an email at BYCS@brentwoodbaptist.com

I am a member of Brentwood Baptist Church. We are currently not enrolled. Are we guaranteed a spot for the next school year?

No, unfortunately not. Children currently enrolled in BYCS are the only ones who are guaranteed a spot for the next school year. Church members are the next group that fills the spots not taken by our current enrollment.

How are children assigned to classes?

Children are placed by date of birth with other children who are within a few months of their age.

I have heard of Summer Play Days. How do I register for that?

Registration is done separately for Summer Play Days on a first-come, first-served basis. Information about Summer Play Days will be available on the church website and emailed out to previous participants and those who attend Brentwood Baptist Church. Registration for SPD will take place in February of each year.